September 5th First Thursday Event!

Join Fortunate Discoveries on Thursday, September 5th for our monthly First Thursday Event! Guests are invited to enjoy extended business hours, wine, and gorgeous jewelry from Tony Dobrowolski!
Tony Dobrowolski – Received an MFA in Design and Technical Theatre from The Ohio State University in 1977.He designed sets and costumes as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Theatre and Cinema at Denison University (Granville, OH) 1977 – 1982.At Wayne State University (Detroit, MI) he was Assistant Professor and Costume Designer for The Hillberry Theatre (Graduate Repertory) 1982 – 1986.
Tony began designing jewelry in 1989 while performing a bus-and-truck tour of PHANTOM OF THE OPERA (THE PLAY).The Mid ’90’s found Tony designing jewelry for sale at the gift shop at THE CHICAGO CULTURAL CENTER.
As a working actor (with a day-job as well) Tony enjoys the “puzzle” of jewelry design: combining opaque, translucent and transparent stones and beads in repeating patterns.Color matching and contrasting are additional joys of creation as well as the “hunt” for beads, locally and internationally are part of the “game” of jewelry-making that Tony enjoys.
Finally, there is a therapeutic benefit from creating something unique out of disparate components. “One-of-a-kind, just like you!”
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