Meet our artist of the week Jen McNulty

Our designer of the week is Jen McNulty. Jen McNulty’s artistic career is diverse from a successful career in illustration, photography, traditionally tiled mosaics and now 3D Photo Mosaics which began in 2011. In 2013, she pursued galleries to exhibit her work and within 2 months had exhibited in 2 Chicago galleries, including Morpho […]
Personal makeup lessons by makeup artist Laura Franco and new fall collection by designer Vika Brown. Specials and custom work is available. Complimentary appetizers and drinks!
Meet the Artist Event: Brandon Hayes
Brandon Hayes (top right) hosted a “Meet the Artist” event in partnership with Fortunate Discoveries on Thursday, July 20, 2017. The event will included wine and appetizers and was open to the public. Hayes will debuted new work for sale from Bryce Canyon National Park and Death Valley National Park, among others.
Carolers at Fortunate Discoveries

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Artist Ron Styne throws first pitch at a Cubs game!

This past season Fortunate Discoveries artist Ron Styne had the opportunity to throw out the first pitch at a Cubs game. Way to go Ron!
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