Justin D Miller Joins FD

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About Justin D. Miller

I am a Chicago area resident who grew up in the suburb of La Grange Park. After high school I went downstate to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to study Architecture. I continued there for graduate school, and after more than 6 years including 12 months in Europe, I returned to Chicago with my degrees. My future wife, Jackie, and I decided to try something new, and after another year we moved West to Portland, Oregon. Over the next 8 years we lived in 3 states, including the San Francisco Bay Area and Boise, Idaho. After our first daughter was born we moved back to Chicago where we had our second daughter.

I worked in the field of Architecture for 3 years, then moved to the emerging field of digital graphics and websites in 2000. In the years since I have designed websites for technical organizations and administered ecommerce websites. While I have always engaged in art, I started oil painting as a hobby to stimulate my creative energy that I could not in my professional fields. I was attracted to Surrealist painting because I felt it closely aligned with my own creative goals.

I use my free time on photography, walking around Chicago, and going on road trips out West to inspiring destinations, usually desolate and extreme, and always visually exciting.

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